Monday, February 24, 2020

Fire Protection Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Fire Protection - Research Paper Example By so doing, possible damages that can be caused by occurrences of fire are likely to be reduced. On the other side, Ashmore contends that training is one of the best approaches to the issue of fire protection. In fact it will be of no use to install gadgets which people have no idea on how to use them. The two articles though, seem to approach the issue fully through the suggestions they propose to the practice of fire protection (Beattie 63). Both can prove very effective if implemented appropriately. Spiker, Joseph E., and Daniel Della-Giustina. Fire Protection in Underground Coal Mines. Professional safety, Vol. 42(9), 2000, pp. 20-23. According to Spiker & Daniel (20) fires that affect coals, have posed a major threat to the mining industry. A lot of government revenue has been lost through coal fires hence there is a great need to come up with solutions to the problem. Some of the problems associated with these fires include closing of mines and loss of personnel. To overcome this challenge adequate training has to done to the mining industries (Spiker & Daniel 22). Consequently, industrial managers should advice their manpower on the activities to avoid when in the sites that may be contributing most to such fires. Studies done on the causes of these fires indicated that most of them happen due to the ignorance of the people working there. From this article one can understand the loss caused by coal fires, hence the need to prevent the fires. Spiker & Daniel (23) is specific in his approach to the issue as he focuses on coal fires. He takes a deep study into what the possible causes of the fires can be and the d amage they can cause. While Spiker & Daniel study coal fires, Beattie, studies fire protection in general. He asserts that fires are generally very destructive and can cause great damages if one had no preparedness. According to him companies should install fire extinguishers in every apartment to be in a position to fight the fires in case of any occurrence. Two articles though have the same overall goal of preventing and reducing fires (Spiker & Daniel, 23). They both aim at empowering individuals so that they can be in a position of knowing what to do in fire emergencies. Messner, Michael. Fundamentals of Fire Protection for the Safety Professional. Professional safety, Vol. 51(3), 2006, pp. 40-45. Under this article the basis of protecting fires ranging from chemistry to physics are discussed. Messner (40) explain what fire protection is, what it entails and the challenges associated with the practice. In fact it is very important for one to understand what it means by fire prot ection since the practice demands more than the title suggest. Company owners should have all the OSHA regulation rules on their tips so as to know how to handle issues related to fires (Messner, 42). This is because they are required to provide a safe

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Generation X Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Generation X - Essay Example urdles as well as stereotypes, the strong, appealing characteristics from the particular events, issues and people stem individuals born in generation X, making them extraordinary. Generation X is defined as the generation born in the years 1965 to 1980, immediately apparent in this generation after the baby boomers. This generation was named ‘X’ as the letter itself represents an unknown, mystery. This generation is better educated and more ethnically diverse (Rosen 4). In addition, this generation was raised at a period of increasing divorce rates, faltering economy, and two income families. From all generations, this is the only one that was pushed into early adulthood. The aspect of women liberation from traditional roles as only homemakers is broken in this generation. This is evident by several women joining the work force, leaving behind their infants. During this era women broke the traditional characteristic of being dependent to a man to being independent and self sufficient. The con of this move was the commencement of latchkey kids who had no choice, but to take care of themselves whilst their parents worked (Zustiak 32). I am a clear example of such children; both my parents worked, being the first born, I had the responsibility of taking care of my siblings. I can say that I took the role of my parents, and disciplined my siblings when they made a mistake. I lacked the emotional needs from my parents and turned out into an autonomous, self-reliant individual. The situation at home forced me to grow up faster, and also adapt parenting skills. This was a challenge, as I was struggling the balance of being a child, sibling and at the same t ime ‘a parent. This explains why individuals who are in this generation like I, demonstrate the values of resourceful, autonomy and contribution, attributes of the command of authority and structured work hours. I was raised at a time where there was the emergence of personal computers, television, and Atari